Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy Training Tips
Having a Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy as your companion can be a true joy. However, you don't want your new friend chomping on your new shoes or soiling in the house. You'll need to fashion a dog behavior training plan to help your new puppy or dog understand the rules of the house. You might utilize books, or online instruction such as this to assist you.
There are definite training methods and subject material that you should focus on in your training approach. All depend of course, on whether you decide take dog training classes or complete dog training all on your own. Take a look at the following dog training options to determine what type of dog training you want to provide for your canine best friend.
If you opt to be assisted in the training of your Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy, beginning obedience classes can be found at various locations. For instance, your local humane society, dog supply stores such as PETCO, and PetSmart, community recreation centers, and dog obedience training sometimes take place at community colleges. Some of the better training classes are often found at the local kennel club. Dog obedience training classes can vary in price, time commitment, and personal attention. They are generally economical and meet weekly at a community parks. It is a great way to not only have your dog experience basic dog training, but socialize with other dogs as well. Socialization must be a very integral part of training a Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy.
If you have the financial resources and time you can hire a personal dog trainer. This type of trainer may be necessary if your Ridgback is having a hard time in basic classes and your dog training efforts aren't making a difference. But, before you invest in a private dog trainer it is important to make an certain of your dog training methods. Often a dog that is not following directions is the result of the mis-application of dog training efforts by the dog's owner.
A private dog trainer might be necessary if you are going to show your dog at dog shows. You can hire a dog trainer/handler or you can become one yourself. If you should decide to do your own training, it is very important to know the proper dog training techniques. If your Ridgeback becomes confused about your wishes, it may become a more serious issue to deal with at a later date. This isn't to say that it is difficult to do basic training techniques, but the more advanced training require a firmer grasp of the various methods at your disposal.
Don't forget to search through dog training books, guides, and various resources.
There are also products that will help you complete dog training such as special collars and muzzles. You can effectively go through a dog training regime with your Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy if you follow a few training tips.
Tip #1: The more important behaviors to instill in your Ridgeback puppy are things such as not jumping up on people, going to a specific location on command, staying away from the dinner table, and other "civil obedience" behaviors. Many people start their dog on the path to dog training success by enrolling them in a basic obedience class. This is alright because you will learn how to teach your do basic commands such as "sit", "stay", and "heel". However, these are not commands that you will utilize throughout your dogs life. You'll be much more concerned with the basic "social skills" mentioned earlier. In fact, do not expect your Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy to happily follow your every command like a circus animal - even after he or she understands what you want. These dogs are not like sheperds, or labs. They are much more independent in their thinking abilities, and often they will try to reason as to the purpose of the training technique. The whole purpose of an early training regimine is to instill the concept of commands into your puppy's psyche.
You can teach most dog training commands by combining verbal and physical actions. For example, right after you say the word "sit" you gently push your dog's bottom down onto the ground and put them in the sitting position. Immediately say "good" and smile. Give them a tasty treat as well. Basically, you want to do as much as you can to reinforce the action of sitting when you say "sit".
Tip #2: Dogs act like absorbent sponges when it comes to learning proper behavior and tricks. If you do your job properly then dog training should be successful. Your dog is ready and eager to learn proper behavior. They want to please you. Therefore, if they aren't responding to your instruction the way you'd like, it may be that you're giving confusing dog training instructions.
Tip #3: Rhodesian Ridgebacks are much more amenable to positive encouragement to achieve a training goal. Harshness will simply circumvent a positive training outcome in this breed. Positive reinforcement such as denonstrating exitement and petting your dog when they do the right behavior help with your dog training efforts. It is a Ridgeback's nature to want to be close to you and make you happy - sometimes. Remember, A Rhodesian Ridgeback has a somewhat independent nature. It is best to show encouragement and praise which will help you to quickly achieve your training goal. Make sure to encourage your Ridgeabck through each training accomplishment, no matter how big or small.
Tip #4: Food is a powerful motivator when it comes to dog training. This is especailly true of Ridgebacks. You will be hard pressed to find a Ridgeback that passes up food or a tasty treat.
Tip #5: Dog training should be a incremental process, each tecahnique building upon the other, all the while learning more complex commands. Let all new commands "sink in". It is unlikely that they will learn a new concept the first day you show them what you're after. You will have to repeat the commands and proper behaviors frequently.
Tip #6: Have dog training sessions at various times throughout the day. Your dog needs periodic training to reinforce the proper behaviors. You dog's attention span can wane, so make sure to keep the training sessions to five to ten minutes long.
Tip #7: When you first start dog training work in environment that is free from distractions so your dog can focus on their behavior. Once your dog understands the basic commands you can try to use the commands in a busier environment.
One thing you may find is that your dog is distracted and seems to have forgotten his training. Don't fret. This is to be expected as dogs tend to be situational learners, and your dog just needs to practice on the commands in the busier environment.
Tip #8: Too many treats equals an overweight dog. Dog training is a process that involves tasty treats, but too many of these treats can be a bad idea for your dog's waistline. Use small treats and wean your dog off treats as they understand the different commands. They will then rely on your praise as the positive reinforcement for each behavior.
These eight dog training tips will set you on the road to happy, healthy, obedient Ridgeback Puppy.
Previous page: Finding a good Rhodesian Ridgeback Breeder
Next page: The Importance of Socializating your Dog